Safety and Effectiveness of Nustim System Implantation in Dogs

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Xing Li
Han Deng
Zhaoxia Wang
Hao Li
Limin Liao


implantable, nerve stimulation, stress urinary incontinence


Objectives: To verify the safety and effectiveness of a novel micro-implantable wireless nerve stimulation device in healthy adult beagles and evaluate the feasibility of using the device in clinical practice.

Methods: The stimulator was experimentally implanted into the quadriceps femoris of three adult beagles. The animals were subjected to training on daily basis for 14 days, and the threshold test was administered once a week. At the end, we analyzed the images of light microscopy and electron microscopy.

Results: The implantation was easy to perform and the whole stimulation system worked stably and reliably. The stimulation threshold was stable. During the process, the stimulator did not move or cause damage to adjacent tissues. The whole system showed a good biocompatibility with recipient animals. The stimulator could induce muscular contraction and enhance the motor function of muscles.

Conclusions: The preliminary results showed that the stimulator could be safely implanted into animal body, with good tissue compatibility, stability and reliability. In addition, it also worked well in eliciting muscle contraction. It promises to be used for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in future.


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