The Expression and Function of Piezo Channels in Bladder

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Zhipeng Li
Dongxu Lin
Changcheng Luo
Pengyu Wei
Bolang Deng
Kang Li
Langqing Cheng
Zhong Chen


Bladder dysfunction, Mechanosensitive cation channels, Piezo channels


The ability for bladder to perceive and analyze mechanical stimuli, such as stretch and filling, is crucial for its functions, such as urinary storage and voiding. The Piezo channel family, including Piezo1 and Piezo2, represents one of the most essential mechanosensitive ion channels in mammals and is involved in a wide array of physiological and pathological processes. It has been demonstrated in numerous investigations that Piezo channels play a key role in mechanical transduction in various types of cells in bladder by converting mechanical stimuli into biological signals. Notably, mounting evidence suggests that Piezo channels are functionally significant for bladder and are related to several bladder disorders. This review systematically summarizes the importance/role and features of Piezo channels in bladder, including their biophysical properties, location, and functions, with attention specifically paid to their association with the physiology and pathophysiology of bladder. This review aims to provide a novel perspective for the future clinical treatment of bladder dysfunction.


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