Bladder leiomyoma and the utility of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission Tomography – a Case Report

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Kylie Yen-Yi Lim
Kerelus Morkos
Sidney M Levy
Paul Davis


Benign bladder tumor;, Bladder leiomyoma, FDG-PET, Radiology


Bladder leiomyomas are rare neoplasms and various diagnostic methods are available to assist in confirming diagnosis preoperatively. Presented here is a case of bladder leiomyoma in a 41-year-old female who presented with urinary symptoms and right thigh pain. Imaging revealed a soft tissue density mass in the bladder wall. However concerns of a leiomyosarcoma remained. An 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computerized tomography (PET/CT) demonstrated low FDG uptake and absence of metastatic lesions. In combination with operative findings, the tumor allowed for localized resection instead of more invasive partial cystectomy. Therefore, FDG-PET might be used to support the diagnosis of leiomyoma and potentially facilitate a less aggressive surgical management.


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