Brief Reports

Effect of filling rate on cystometric parameters in young and middle aged mice

Alexandra K. Kim, Warren G. Hill
Abstract 103 | HTML (English) Downloads 37 PDF (English) Downloads 57 | ##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##

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Research Articles

BCG immunotherapy for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: is efficacy related to toxicity?

Cristian Udovicich, Priscilla Nankivell, Anthony Barberi, Dean Page, Mark Jenkins, Jeremy Goad, Anita Clarke, Owen Niall, Catherine Temelcos, Laurence Cleeve, Lih-Ming Wong
Abstract 80 | HTML (English) Downloads 39 PDF (English) Downloads 29 Standardised symptom sheet (English) Downloads 0 | ##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##

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