Research Articles

Sensation in the urethra during voiding studied in young healthy men

Jean Jacques Wyndaele, Sigrid Van de Borne, Michel Wyndaele, Stefan De Wachter
Abstract 93 | HTML (English) Downloads 31 PDF (English) Downloads 39 | ##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##

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Repeatability of volume calculations of the fetal urinary bladder

Trude Sætherhaug, Marit Hølmo Fasting, Maria Aurora H. Røset, Mike Naylor, Harm-Gerd K. Blaas, Torbjørn M. Eggebø
Abstract 78 | HTML (English) Downloads 34 PDF (English) Downloads 37 | ##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##

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Ex vivo modulation of muscarinically induced contractions by PGE2 and an EP1 receptor antagonist in the guinea pig urinary bladder

Ramona Hohnen, M. Sajjad Rahnama'i, Matthijs van Gink, Celine Meriaux, Gommert A. van Koeveringe
Abstract 71 | HTML (English) Downloads 40 PDF (English) Downloads 33 | ##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##

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Role of consolidative surgical therapy in patients with locally advanced or regionally metastatic bladder cancer

Mark D. Tyson, Sam S. Chang, Krik A. Keegan
Abstract 104 | HTML (English) Downloads 44 PDF (English) Downloads 42 | ##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##

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