Bladder preservation in the treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer

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Kris Prado
Kiran Gollapudi
Christopher King
Michael L Steinberg
Arnold I Chin


bladder cancer, trimodality therapy, bladder preservation


Organ preserving strategies are being increasingly utilized in the treatment of solid malignancies with the intent of reducing surgical morbidity and maintaining quality of life. Organ preservation becomes a viable approach only when cancer outcomes are not compromised when compared to radical resection. We reviewed the current literature on bladder preservation for muscle-invasive bladder cancer, focusing on trimodality therapy consisting of complete transurethral resection, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Acknowledging the absence of randomized clinical trials, differences in patient selection, and variation in study protocols, trimodality therapy may yield similar 5- and 10-year overall survival rates compared to radical cystectomy alone. This includes the approximately 30% of patients who enter a bladder preservation protocol and undergo salvage radical cystectomy for failure of local control. Currently, bladder preservation appears to be an alternative to radical cystectomy in select patients who have appropriate rigorous surveillance.


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