Gross hematuria, irritative lower urinary tract symptoms, and bilateral hydroureteronephrosis: A concerning presentation of an ultimately benign case of concurrent nephrogenic adenoma and eosinophilic cystitis

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Jessica H Hannick
Robert H Blackwell
John Biemer
Maria M Picken
Ahmer V Farooq
Elizabeth R Mueller


benign neoplasm, eosinophilic cystitis, hydronephrosis, nephrogenic adenoma, urinary bladder neoplasm


Nephrogenic adenoma and eosinophilic cystitis are well-known, distinct pathologic bladder diagnoses that rarely occur concurrently in the published literature. We present the first adult case, and second reported case, of these two disease processes occurring synchronously. Our patient’s initial complaints were the characteristic symptoms of gross hematuria and urinary urgency, which were primarily worrisome for malignancy. She had no prior genitourinary history, whereas these two diagnoses are commonly associated with chronic bladder irritation, instrumentation, and trauma. Our patient did not respond to conservative management with prophylactic antibiotics and antihistamines, however experienced full resolution of her symptoms following resection of the lesions.


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